Tips for storing your fresh avocados

Everyone has their top tip for getting the most out of avocados. We thought we’d bring the best of them together in one place. After you’ve read this article you’ll be armed with the information you need to store your box of Avocado Movement avocados and get them from your doorstep to your plate without missing out on a spoonful of creamy goodness.

How do I store my unripe avocados?

When your box of avocados arrives, your avocados will be tree matured for maximum flavour. That doesn’t mean they’re ripe – just that they are incredibly fresh and ready to wow you when they have been ripened and added to your favourite dish. Store your unripe avocados in a cool, dark place – ideally below 20℃.

High quality avocados can differ in colour depending on the variety, and also in size and weight. Some varieties can also stay hard to the touch even when they’re ripe – so resist the temptation to start squeezing and follow our tried and tested tips instead.

How do I know my avocado is ripe?

Don’t squeeze it! Squeezing your avocado can bruise it, and is just one of the (many) reasons that you need to avoid supermarket avocados, where everyone likes to have a good squeeze.

We recommend testing the ripeness of your avocado by inserting a toothpick by the stem of the fruit. If the tooth pick goes in easily then it’s ready. If it doesn’t wait; a few days and try again.

Avocado Movement Avo Ripe Toothpick
Want to test the ripeness of your avocados? All you need is a handy pot of toothpicks.

How can I get my avocado to ripen faster?

As soon as avocados are picked they start to produce ethylene which causes the fruit to ripen. If you want to speed up the ripening process, try putting your avocado(s) into a paper bag to contain the ethylene. The more ethylene, the faster your fruit will ripen. If you use this technique, make sure you monitor your avocados frequently to avoid over-ripening.

Avocado Movement Best Way Store Avos
A paper bag can help you to ripen your avocados faster.

How do I store ripe avocados?

Ripe avocados can be kept in a cool dark place if you’re planning on eating them straight away. If you want to make them last longer they can be kept in the fridge for one to two weeks but keep a close eye on them to make sure you enjoy them at their best.

Don’t refrigerate unripe avocados as this will stop them ripening properly and most likely end in a disappointing avocado experience.

Avocado Movement Avo Ready Fridge Storage
Ripe avocados can be stored in the fridge for one to two weeks, but keep a close eye on them to make sure you enjoy them at their best.

How do I store cut avocados?

If a whole avocado is too much, it is possible to store avocado halves in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat them. Avocados discolour once cut which doesn’t affect their flavour but can make them look less appetising. 

Avoid discolouration by rubbing some lemon juice or oil over the exposed flesh to protect it from the air. Of course, if you’re lucky enough to be enjoying our Sharwil avocados then you might not need to worry about discolouration at all. One of the features of our delicious Sharwil avocados is that they often don’t discolour when cut.

Can I freeze my avocados?

Yes! If you’re a fan of fresh, tree matured avocados then you may know already that they aren’t available all year round. The freezer is a great solution to make sure you don’t have to miss out (or go back to the trials of inferior supermarket avocados).

To freeze avocados, start by mashing them and add a splash of lemon juice (about 1tbsp per 2 avocados) to help the preservation process. Store them in glass or plastic containers or zip lock bags with the air squeezed out. Once you’re ready to eat them; simply defrost and enjoy.
Have you got any top tips for storing avocados or delicious recipes you would like to share? You can connect with us via email at or by following us on Facebook or Instagram. We’d love to hear from you.

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