Not everyone has an orchard of avocados but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from our expertise as orchard-growers. In this article we share some tricks we’ve learned to care for your avocados as the temperature rises.
Taking care of avocado plants during the summer months is important for healthy growth and a good harvest. Here’s some tasks we suggest to help you look after your avocado plants in summer.
01. Don’t forget to water
Avocado trees need regular watering, especially during hot summer months. As an avocado tree owner your job is to maintain a balance by giving them enough water to keep them healthy without overwatering, which can lead to root rot.
A good, deep watering once or twice a week should be plenty – and remember to hold off if nature does the job for you.
02. Avocados love to be mulched

Did you know that avocado trees have aerial roots that sit just below the surface of the soil? That’s one reason why they love you to apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree. Mulch protects aerial roots, retains moisture, regulates soil temperature, and prevents weed growth. Mulch is also great for soil health and nutrition.
03. Avocados are hungry, hungry. hungry
Feed your avocado tree with a balanced fertiliser designed for fruit trees – if you can get it, choose one that states that it’s good for avocados. Fertilise according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure your tree is well fed during the early Summer months to support growth and fruit development.
04. Keep your avocado tree in shape (with a light pruning)

While Winter is the ideal time to shape your avocado tree with a bit of light pruning, it’s a good idea to get rid of dead or damaged branches which could be a starting point for disease any time you spot them.
Just like humans, avocados are easily scorched by the sun. Take care to keep the foliage your tree needs for sun protection and you will keep your fruit healthy and green.
05. Be on the lookout for pests
Keeping a close eye on your avocado tree can help you to monitor for pests like aphids, mites, or scale insects, which tend to become more active during the warmer months. Treat infestations promptly using natural or organic pest control methods to prevent damage to the tree.
06. Protect your young avocados from the sun
Young or newly planted avocados may need to be shielded from the harshest of sunshine in the height of Summer. Try using shade cloth or plant taller plants nearby to provide temporary shade.
07. Give your avocado a pollinating hand

Once your avocado tree starts to flower it’s important to have the right pollinators on hand to make sure you get a great crop. You can encourage pollination by attracting bees and other beneficial insects to your garden with flowering plants.
Lots of trees? Why not look into adding beehives to your property.
Old school grower’s tip: hanging meat in your tree will attract the flies and they will help with pollination.

08. Don’t let your avocados get stressed
A hot New Zealand Summer can get us all get a little frayed around the edges – especially if we haven’t got a cooling dip in the pool or an ice block to hand. Just like us, avocado trees can suffer from heat stress when the temperatures soar.
Ensure the soil around the tree remains consistently moist and – for a bit of extra love – consider misting the leaves early in the morning or in the evening during extreme heat.
09. Avocados can get sick too
Be watchful for signs of diseases such as root rot or fungal infections, particularly in trees that may have been stressed by heat or inadequate watering. Treat any issues promptly to prevent them from spreading.
10. We all love a fresh avocado, straight from the tree
Depending on the avocado variety, some may be ready for harvest during the summer. Monitor fruit development and harvest ripe avocados at the appropriate time to enjoy them at their best.
Avocado tree too young to harvest?
At Avocado Movement, we pick our tree matured avocados from the trees in our Gisborne orchard and ship them direct to your door – anywhere in New Zealand. Enjoy free delivery and the freshest fruit (apart from when you pick it from your own tree) when you subscribe today.

Love your avocados and take care of them throughout the hot Summer months, and you should enjoy the fruits of your labour for years to come. Regular monitoring, adequate watering, proper nutrition, and protection from extreme conditions will all provide you with happier, healthier avocado trees.