Fresh from the Orchard: October to November
If you missed us on social media last month don’t worry. Every month we share a roundup of what’s been happening with the Avocado Movement team.
Our orchard is based in sunny Gisborne and we’ve made the choice to cut out the middle man and sell direct to our customers. We hope you’ll join us on our journey across the seasons as we grow beautiful, fresh avocados for you.
The new season has begun!
We only pick tree matured fruit and that means we do have a couple of months a year where our avocado trees gather themselves ready for the season ahead. For our subscribers that’s a challenging time but we’re delighted to announce the wait is over: we’re now shipping avocados across New Zealand again.
If you missed the chance to have a Spring walk around the orchard with Greg on our facebook feed then remember it’s never too late. He’s truly full of the joys – enjoying the activity in the many hives and appreciating all the fruiting and flowering that’s happening on our trees.
Still Writing Your Christmas List?
When inspiration is running low – go for a green subscription. Avocados – a yummy gift that keeps on giving.
Shop Online at Avocado Movement
Take care of your avocados and enjoy them at their best.
Put me away from the sun with some bananas for company.
Let me be for five to seven days then try the old toothpick trick. Insert a toothpick into the stem. If the tooth pick goes in easy it’s ready, if it doesn’t wait a few days. Did you know this? If I am ready but you’re not, let me chill in the fridge for a few days
Keeping the orchard in shape
There’s a lot of work on the orchard to keep the trees healthy and protect them from everything Nature can (and does!) throw at them. Early in the season that includes trimming up our shelter belt hedging that does a great job of protecting our trees from the worst of the wind. You can see an update from Greg in this video we posted on Facebook.
We know what you’ve been doing!
Milly’s the boss of the orchard – at least that what she’s tricked everyone into believing. We regularly enjoy updates from Milly as she gets stuck in to life in the Avocado Orchard.
This month Milly’s been out and about keeping the local pests in check (while apparently the gnomes have been turning a blind eye). She and Greg tracked down the hiding place of a pesky rat who had found a way to hide and sneak avocados. You can check out the video here.